Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Properties of C(n,r)

Properties of nCr or C(n,r)

1. nCr = nCn-r

Note: If x=y = n

nCx = nCy

2. Let n and r be non-negative integers such that r≤n. Then

nCr + nCr-1 = n+1Cr

3. Let n and r be non-negative integers such that 1≤ r≤n. Then
nCr = (n/r) n-1Cr-1

4. If 1≤ r≤n, then

n.n-1Cr-1 = (n-r+1)nCr-1

5. nCx = nCy implies x+y = n

6. If n is even, then the greatest value of nCr [0≤ r≤n] is nCn/2.

7. If n is odd, then the greatest value of nCr [0≤ r≤n] is nC(n+1)/2 or nC(n-1)/2.

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